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Supersized version of our Signature arrangement.


Approximately 45cm high.


Please allow two business days before your arrangement is ready to be delivered. 


Is this a gift? Add in a personalised note to include with the order. Let us know when you would like the flowers to be delivered under "Add a note" section when processing the order.


Please note that delivery is $15 to Melbourne Metro.


Photo is indicative of size. We note that there is no guarantee that your arrangement will be exactly as the images shown as this is subject to availability of flower stock. We will aim to get as close as possible.



Colour Vase
  • - These flowers have a shelf life of 1-3 years.

    - For best results - handle them with extra care

    - Keep out of direct sunlight and heat

    - Keep away from humid conditions

    - Please do not water these flowers

    - Note that over time, the colours may fade

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